How to Guide a person with a Vision Loss

If you are interested in getting training in Sighted Guide, please contact VA&A. We love training family members, carers/support workers and friends on how to walk safely with an individual living with a vision loss.

1. Introduction:

Ask the person if they need assistance. If they do need assistance, contact the back of their hand with the back of yours. They can then trace up your arm to just above the elbow.

2. Grasp:

Offer the person the area just above the elbow. They will hold with four fingers on the inside and the thumb on the outside; the grip should be firm but not constricting.

3. Walking:

Keep your arm relaxed and close to your side. When you start walking, make sure the person is half a step behind you and slightly to the side. Walk at a pace that is comfortable for both of you. Look ahead for obstacles at foot level, head height and to the side. As a human guide, you should walk a half step ahead of the person you are guiding.

4. Turning Around:

Tell the person you are guiding that you are going to turn around. Ask them to turn in to face you. Make sure to keep some distance between you as you will both be turning into that space. Whilst facing each other, ask them bring their other arm in between you and them. Make contact with their arm (like introduction), have them release their initial grasp as they slide up to your elbow (to resume normal grasp) as you turn into the space between you.

5. Changing Sides:

If you need to change sides with the person you are guiding, it is important they do not lose contact with you. This is easiest to achieve if you remain stationary. Allow the person with the vision loss to move one hand across your back to reach your other arm. To make it easier for them to find the other arm, poke your elbows out behind you.

6. Narrow Spaces:

Tell the person you are guiding that a narrow space is ahead. Move your guiding arm towards the centre of your back to indicate that they need to walk behind you. The person should step in behind you while still holding your arm. Their arm must remain extended to prevent being tripped by each other’s feet. When you have passed through the narrow space bring your arm back to its usual position by your side.

7. Doorways:

When passing through a doorway, ensure the person with the vision loss is on the hinged side of the door. As you get close to the door, explain which way it opens. Open the door and walk through, allowing the person you are guiding to close it behind you using their free hand.

You may need to use the Changing Sides technique if the person is not on the side of the hinges.

You can also use Narrow Spaces if the need arises.

8. Seating:

When approaching a seat, you should tell the person you are guiding that they are in front of or beside the seat, explain which way the chair is facing and where it is placed in relation to the rest of the room. Then walk up and place your guiding arm on the chair and explain which part of the chair you are touching. The person you are guiding can then move their hand down your arm to locate the chair to seat themselves.

9. Getting Into a Car:

Tell the person you are guiding which way the car is facing and which door they will be getting into. Place your guiding arm onto the door handle and ask the person to move their hand down your arm. Allow them to open the door and seat themselves. If the car is unfamiliar to them, you can place your arm on the roof so they can follow it and avoid bumping their head. Once seated, allow the person to close the car door.

10. Steps and Staircases:

Always approach stairs squarely never at an angle. Stop at the first step and tell the person you are guiding whether the steps go up or down. Use Changing Sides if necessary to ensure the person you are guiding can use the handrail. Start walking when they are ready, remaining one step ahead of them. Stop when you reach the end of the stairs and tell them you are at the top or bottom.


  • Address people with a vision loss by their names so they know you are speaking to them and offer your name so they can respond
  • Do not leave doors ajar. Close them or open them fully
  • Do not relocate objects or furniture without telling the person who is blind or has low vision
  • Do not fill glasses or cups to the brim
  • Do not walk away from a person with a vision loss without indicating that you are doing so - it is embarrassing and frustrating to talk to thin air
  • Be aware that the person with a vision loss will be disadvantaged by not seeing what is going on. Therefore, talk about what is happening
  • Use ordinary language when directing or describing and be specific. Do not point or say, "over there". Direct people with a vision loss to their left and right, not yours
  • Describe the surroundings and obstacles in a person's pathway (remember to look up as well as down). Warn of the presence of over-hangs, such as kitchen cupboards, jutting side mirrors of cars, or trees
  • In dangerous situations say "STOP" rather than "LOOK OUT"